The topic of how men feel about having their balls touched during oral sex is a hotly debated one. Some men love it, some are indifferent, and others are completely opposed to the idea. To get to the bottom of this, we spoke to 12 guys about their thoughts and feelings on the matter. Here’s what they had to say.

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For some guys, having their balls touched during oral sex is a huge turn on. They find it incredibly pleasurable and feel that it adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience. One man we spoke to said, “I love it when my partner touches my balls during oral sex. It feels amazing and really enhances the overall sensation.”

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The Indifferent Ones

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On the other hand, there are those who don’t really have strong feelings either way. They don’t mind if their balls are touched during oral sex, but they also don’t seek it out specifically. One guy told us, “It doesn’t really make a difference to me. If my partner wants to touch my balls, that’s fine, but it’s not a big deal either way.”

The Sensitive Souls

For some men, having their balls touched during oral sex is a big no-no. They find it uncomfortable or even painful, and would much rather their partner focus on other areas. One man shared, “I really don’t like it when my balls are touched during oral sex. It’s just too sensitive for me, and I’d prefer if my partner avoided that area altogether.”

The Trust Factor

One common theme that emerged from our conversations is the importance of trust and communication. Many of the men we spoke to emphasized the need for their partner to check in with them and make sure they’re comfortable with what’s happening. One guy said, “It’s all about trust. If my partner wants to touch my balls during oral sex, I want to feel confident that she’s doing it because she knows I like it, not just because she thinks she should.”

The Communication Barrier

However, not all men find it easy to communicate their preferences when it comes to sexual activities. Some feel awkward or embarrassed bringing up the topic, and as a result, they may end up feeling uncomfortable or dissatisfied. One man admitted, “I’ve never really talked to my partner about whether I like having my balls touched during oral sex. I guess I just assumed she knew what to do. But now that I think about it, I should probably have that conversation with her.”

The Importance of Exploration

Ultimately, the key to navigating this issue lies in open communication and a willingness to explore and experiment. Every person is different, and what works for one individual may not work for another. It’s important for both partners to be open to trying new things and discussing their likes and dislikes in a respectful and non-judgmental manner.

The Takeaway

In conclusion, the question of how men feel about having their balls touched during oral sex is a complex and nuanced one. Some love it, some are indifferent, and some are opposed to the idea altogether. The most important thing is for partners to communicate openly and honestly with each other, and to be willing to explore and experiment in the bedroom. By doing so, they can ensure that both parties have a pleasurable and satisfying experience.